Old and Cheesy

Is it normal to be this happy? Did it just take 40 years to get to this place? I suppose I am finally grown up now and I know what is important. I’m so “mushy” now when it comes to my family I’m almost embarrassed.

My husband and kids were playing cards at the table the other night, laughing and having a great time. I can’t believe how playing games really brings us together, there’s the “cheesy” part. I sat and watched, so happy we were altogether. My husband and I were both married before so we have the “all” the kids every other weekend and a couple of days during the week. Maybe that’s why I appreciate our time together. Our family “bonding” keeps improving since we married. It’s amazing to watch.

Yesterday my husband took them sledding, he was one of the few dads that was willing to do it too. The sun was out, it was nice and icy for sledding. After warming up we went to my Grandma’s so I could do her hair. The weather kept her in the last few days. Then off to my Dad and stepmom’s house. She is Dominican and I wanted her to cook a Dominican meal, but it’s hard to find those foods here. After a great meal, and dessert, we played “farkel” a dice game. My Dad is an alcoholic, but since he’s been with his wife, he seems to keep it under control. She takes good care of him and keeps him in check. He’s seems like a new person since knowing her. Truly happy, I believe that has stopped the crazy drinking. We spend much more time with him now, he is great to be around sober. My son in finally getting to know his Grandpa after 15 years. People can change for the better.


My husband is almost 3 years sober, so proud of him. He says he still thinks about it everyday, it sucks. He’s out running right now, if he wasn’t sober, that would not be happening. I hate that it is a struggle for him everyday, something I can’t control. I fell in love with him when he was still drinking, so I know him sober or not. I will love him no matter where he is in recovery, if he slips and falls,we are here. I can see him enjoying his daughters and they love him so much. They’ve come along way.

Is Today The Day?

shut your fucking mouth

Now is the time to change

change my hate to love

my evilness to good

ugliness with beauty

lies with truth

mean spirited to moving on

sour to sweet

alcohol to healthy liver

weed to coherent

pills to legal

truthful with my mirror

poison to nourishment

own it and shut my fucking mouth

can I do it? but I love torchering myself ,

making miserable like myself

Happy New Year?  It’s up to me….. We will see….

Healed and Whole

you call yourself father, why did you hurt me

the bottle was your evil, burning us all

choke me, threaten to end my life

the life you gave me

leave marks on my body, inside and out

you can’t hurt me anymore, I forgive

somehow I still love you my father

I am grown, soft heart somehow

I am good, somehow

I am loved by many, somehow

I have moved on, loving and living

I will not hurt or abuse

I am cherished and spoiled

Proud of who I’ve become

No one can take me down